Brandon Blog Post


Financial stress test: Introduction

Poor financial management is a substantial element that causes a firm to be burdened with excessive financial debt. To avoid financial stress, one of the critical areas for companies is to develop a proper balance between their debt and equity financing, in addition to creating a distinct plan for managing their debt. Overlooking these obligations may lead to a situation where a company ends up being overloaded by debt and interest payments and ends up perilously close to insolvency and maybe even bankruptcy.

Investing in private or public companies always brings dangers, yet it can be particularly devastating when a company you’ve bought declares bankruptcy. In this financial stress test Brandon’s Blog, we discuss the topic of business financial stress and exactly how to identify early signs that a company you own or have invested in is heading in the direction of bankruptcy. By comprehending the 10 essential indications or danger signals, you will certainly be able to make enlightened choices and protect your economic future. We believe that recognizing these signs is critical for any manager, owner or investor and we discuss them below.

Financial stress test danger signal 1: Debt can be a killer

Too much debt can be a major business killer. It typically results in their insolvency and failure. When a firm struggles with low sales and revenues, the worry of debt becomes a lot more challenging to overcome. As investors, it is important to carefully keep an eye on the financial obligation level of a business to make sure that it can fulfill its economic obligations.

Among the indications that a company is heading towards bankruptcy is frustrating financial obligations. High degrees of debt, the first financial stress test, can be a significant root cause of financial tension for a company. When a business has gathered a considerable amount of debt that it cannot pay off, it can discover it is challenging to fulfill its economic obligations, which is the leading cause of bankruptcy. This can bring about a downward spiral where the business continues to borrow to pay off other financial debts, intensifying the problem. As an investor, it’s important to keep an eye on a firm’s financial obligation levels and assess its capability to handle and reduce its financial debt burden.

In addition to taking a look at a business’s financial statements, it is very important to remain updated on the latest information and advancements that might impact a firm’s debt circumstance. Modifications in rates of interest, credit report ratings, or industry-specific regulations can have a considerable effect on a firm’s capability to handle its financial obligations and its ability to continue to operate.

Comparisons can be made between different companies and their financial obligations. It truly is a tool with 2 sides. When debt is used practically and responsibly, it has the prospective to drive business growth and expand horizons. Nonetheless, if financial debt reaches unmanageable proportions, it can swiftly turn into a fatal strike. Organizations strained by frustrating financial debt frequently find themselves captured in a damaging pattern, unable to generate sufficient funds to satisfy their financial debt duties.

An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test

Financial stress test danger signal 2: Declining revenue

The second financial stress test is a decrease in sales can act as a substantial indicator, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges a corporation grapples with. It may insinuate that the demand for the enterprise’s offerings is experiencing erosion in the marketplace, or that rival contenders are annexing a larger slice of the market pie.

Discerning the underlying rationales behind the slump in sales assumes paramount importance, as it offers insights into the realms necessitating enhancements or recalibrations in corporate strategies. Furthermore, it facilitates the assessment of whether the market has wearied of the company’s product or service offerings.

Various methodologies exist for surveilling sales trends and scrutinizing a corporation’s performance. One prevalent approach involves scrutinizing the company’s financial records, encompassing the income statement and balance sheet. These documents provide a granular breakdown of the corporation’s sales figures, profits, and expenditures. By juxtaposing these numerical facets across temporal dimensions, both management and investors can pinpoint any deviations or recurring themes in the company’s sales acumen.

Sustained drops in revenue can be construed as momentous signifiers of financial adversity and disquiet. A dip in revenue may signify a flagging appetite for the company’s offerings or an encroachment on market territory by competitors. This deterioration exerts a direct influence on the corporation’s earnings and liquidity, thereby engendering mounting impediments in meeting monetary obligations and defraying expenses.

Lenders ought to lend a vigilant ear to this clarion, as it portends the company’s arduous struggle in generating commensurate income, with potential repercussions spanning financial hardship or, in extreme cases, insolvency if left unaddressed.

Financial stress test danger signal 3: Negative cash flow

When conducting a comprehensive evaluation of a firm’s financial well-being, sustainability, and overall fiscal robustness, one pivotal factor that investors should diligently scrutinize pertains to its capital. Cash flow, the third financial stress test, denotes the intricate ebb and flow of financial resources within a company, encapsulating both the inflow and outflow of monetary assets over a specified duration.

Capital stands as the linchpin of any prosperous enterprise, furnishing the wherewithal to discharge financial obligations, sustain day-to-day operations, and seize growth opportunities. A robust cash flow empowers a company to honour its debt commitments, bankroll its routine functions, and allocate resources for the expansion of its business. Conversely, an inadequacy in cash flow can give rise to formidable fiscal predicaments, potentially imperilling the company’s equilibrium and longevity.

If a company consistently experiences a surplus of monetary outflows over inflows, it may serve as an ominous harbinger of financial distress. One of the paramount indicators signalling that a company is grappling with financial strain and edging toward insolvency is an adverse cash flow. When a company persistently witnesses an outflow of cash exceeding its inflow, it undeniably indicates that financial woes are looming.

An unfavourable cash flow signifies that the company is not generating sufficient revenue to offset its expenditures, thereby engendering the perilous inability to meet financial obligations and fulfill fiscal commitments. Prudent investors must exercise vigilance when they discern this forewarning and regard it as a crimson banner, safeguarding their investments and rendering well-informed judgments concerning the financial destiny of the company.

Comprehending the significance of cash flow

Examining a corporation’s capital history and contrasting it with its prevailing levels of financial indebtedness bestows a valuable perspective on its financial well-being. If a company shoulders a substantial debt burden that eclipses its capital reservoir, it may signal heightened risk and potentially foreshadow impending financial tribulations.

Debt servicing: Enterprises endowed with a robust cash flow possess the capacity to expeditiously honour their debt obligations, thus evading the pitfalls of loan defaults. A bountiful cash flow not only equips them to promptly meet interest and principal repayments but also instills faith in lenders and stakeholders alike.

Operational expenditures: Cash flow plays a pivotal role in underwriting a company’s day-to-day operational outlays, encompassing personnel salaries, lease outlays, utility expenses, and inventory procurements. Ineffectual cash flow management can precipitate quandaries in sustaining routine business functions, thereby opening the door to potential disruptions.

Prospects for growth: A buoyant cash flow furnishes a corporation with the requisite financial means to seize burgeoning prospects, be it diversifying its product portfolio, venturing into novel market segments, or acquiring rival entities. Enterprises grappling with meagre cash flow may forfeit these openings and fall short of harnessing their full growth potential.

Analyzing cash flow: Key metrics and ratios

Pro Tip: It’s also crucial to compare a company’s cash flow metrics with those of its industry peers and competitors. This helps provide context and identify potential outliers or areas of concern.

Since we have developed the significance of capital in a business’s monetary wellness, let’s explore the important indicators and proportions that investors typically rely upon to evaluate a business’s financial security and efficiency.

Cash flow to debt ratio: This proportion contrasts a business’s operating capital to its overall debt, providing an understanding of its capacity to service its financial obligation obligations. A greater proportion suggests a favourable circumstance, showing that the company creates enough cash to cover its financial debt settlements.

Running cash flow (RCF): This metric exposes the cash created from a company’s core procedures. A positive RCF indicates that the business’s operations are producing enough cash to cover its costs and purchase future growth. An unfavourable RCF might recommend operational inefficiencies or declining sales.

Free capital (FCF): FCF represents the cash left after subtracting capital investment from running capital. It shows the surplus cash offered for debt settlement, shareholder distributions, or reinvestment in business. A healthy FCF is necessary for long-lasting economic stability.

While these metrics offer a beginning point for capital analysis, it is very important to perform an extensive testimonial of a company’s financial declarations, including its earnings statement and balance sheet. Comparing the trends in cash flow over multiple periods can reveal patterns and provide a more accurate assessment of the company’s financial stability.

An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test

Financial stress test danger signal 4: Inadequate liquidity

Inadequate liquidity stands as the pivotal fourth financial stress test, suggesting that a corporation is treading the precarious path towards insolvency. When a company grapples with a paucity of access to liquid resources, such as cash or readily tradable securities, it can substantially fetter its capacity to discharge fiscal obligations and retire outstanding debts. Constricted liquidity begets complexities for a company in navigating unanticipated financial setbacks or leveraging investment opportunities to generate revenue.

In the dearth of a commensurate cash flow, a company might resort to exorbitantly high-priced borrowings or precipitous divestment of valuable assets, thereby exacerbating its fiscal predicaments. Investors ought to meticulously monitor a company’s liquidity standings, for it can serve as a telltale sign of an impending bankruptcy risk.

Financial stress test danger signal 5: Impact of competition on a company’s financial health

When one undertakes the evaluation of an enterprise, it becomes paramount to consider the relative extent of its market dominance in comparison to its competition. If said market portion exhibits a downtrend, it could potentially signal operational hurdles, a struggle to maintain competitiveness, or perhaps even an ongoing struggle for supremacy. Moreover, prudent investors ought to delve into the company’s array of competitive strengths and weaknesses in this fifth financial stress test.

This endeavour necessitates a comprehensive examination of aspects such as the distinctiveness of their products, the standing of their brand, their operational efficiency, and the fidelity of their customer base. A holistic understanding of these facets stands as a fount of invaluable insights concerning the organization’s ability to maintain a lead within the competitive milieu.

Furthermore, seismic shifts in consumer proclivities might also wield a profound influence on the fiscal well-being of an enterprise. As the predilections of consumers undergo metamorphosis, organizations must adroitly recalibrate their stratagems to conform to these evolving exigencies. Failure to do so could culminate in market erosion and revenue diminution.

For example, a company that neglects to embrace the currents of e-commerce and the tenets of digital marketing might find itself outflanked by competitors who adroitly harness the potential of the online sphere. Investors ought to scrutinize the responsiveness of an enterprise to the vicissitudes in consumer comportment and evaluate its preparedness to exploit nascent prospects.

In the process of scrutinizing the financial robustness of an enterprise, it becomes imperative for proprietors, administrators, and financiers alike to factor in the competitive ecosystem. It is a sine qua non to undertake a scrupulous and penetrating inquiry to fathom the challenges posed by rival entities and gauge the organization’s tenacity in the face of such challenges.

One of the cardinal modes through which competition influences the financial stability of an enterprise resides in the transformations that transpire within the marketplace landscape. The advent of formidable competitors possesses the potential to upend the dynamics of the market, casting a substantial shadow over long-established entities.

These competitors may proffer analogous wares or services at more enticing price points or introduce pioneering solutions that captivate the discerning gaze of consumers. In such instances, the organization may experience an erosion of its market pie, thereby impacting its financial performance adversely.

Competition assumes a pivotal role in ascertaining the fiscal vitality of an enterprise. In the contemporaneous warp-speed business milieu, entities confront ceaseless challenges emanating from their adversaries, which can deliver both boons and banes. It is of utmost import for investors to vigilantly track the competitive vista and assess its prospective repercussions on the enterprise they have bestowed their confidence.

Financial stress test danger signal 6: Problem in securing financing

When a company is not able to secure funding, it can be a concerning indication of economic distress. Lenders might watch the firm as not creditworthy, implying they do not believe in its capability to pay off borrowed funds. This can develop a cycle of financial stress, making it even more difficult for the firm to fulfill its monetary commitments and survive. Investors should be cautious when they see a firm battling to get financing, as it can be a very early indication of prospective bankruptcy. It is critical to completely analyze a firm’s credit reliability before making any kind of financial investment decision.

This sixth financial stress test is one of the essential warning signs that a company might be heading towards bankruptcy is trouble in safeguarding financing. When a firm is unable to secure financings or credit history, it shows that lending institutions and financial institutions might have doubts about its capability to repay its debts.

This can be a significant obstacle for a company as it restricts its choices for raising funding and dealing with economic obstacles. Problems with getting financing can likewise affect the company’s operations, making it more difficult to buy development opportunities or meet everyday costs. Investors must focus on this red flag as it might suggest deeper economic stress within the company.

Financial stress test danger signal 7: Workforce downsizing and layoffs

This seventh financial stress test is an indicator of a company grappling with financial anxiety that emerges in the implementation of terminations and downsizing initiatives. When a corporation finds itself ensnared in economic turmoil, it frequently turns to measures aimed at trimming expenses to reinvigorate its financial solvency. This may entail the reduction of personnel or the curtailment of operational procedures.

Workforce reductions within a company can serve as a telltale sign of its struggles in meeting financial obligations and its ardent quest to curtail expenditures. Such measures can exert a deleterious impact on the morale and efficiency of employees, and it behooves investors to take heed, as it may foreshadow more profound fiscal challenges.

In the event that a business grapples with financial adversity, one stratagem to ameliorate the financial impact is staff terminations and a constricting of operational scope. These maneuvers are typically resorted to as a measure of last resort to forestall bankruptcy and enhance liquidity. Nonetheless, the downsizing of the workforce can engender unfavourable repercussions on morale and productivity, concurrently signalling to investors and stakeholders that the company is grappling with economic tumult.

Consequently, if you happen upon a corporation contemplating substantial staff reductions or a contraction in its operational domain, it becomes imperative to monitor the situation as a cautionary signal and conduct a comprehensive assessment of its overarching financial stability.

An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test

Legal issues and lawsuits can be serious warning signs of financial stress within a company. When a company is involved in numerous legal battles, it not only incurs hefty legal fees but also faces the risk of significant financial settlements or judgments against it. These legal issues can drain a company’s resources and impact its profitability, leading to financial instability.

Additionally, the negative publicity associated with legal problems can damage a company’s reputation and erode customer trust. Investors should carefully monitor a company’s legal standing eighth financial stress test to assess the potential financial implications of ongoing legal battles before making any investment decisions.

Legal issues and lawsuits can serve as a warning sign of financial instability for a company. When a company is faced with numerous legal challenges, it can be an indication that its financial position is precarious. Legal battles can be expensive, and the costs associated with defending against lawsuits and paying settlements can take a toll on a company’s financial health.

Additionally, legal issues can divert management’s attention from crucial business operations, further exacerbating the financial stress. Therefore, investors should pay close attention to any company that is involved in a significant number of legal disputes, as it may suggest underlying financial difficulties leading to a negative financial impact.

Financial stress test danger signal 9: Loss of key clients or customers

A potential sign that a company might be veering toward the precipice of financial stress and bankruptcy materializes with the exit of pivotal clients or customers. When these linchpin stakeholders take their leave, the reverberations can be severe and calamitous, exacting a profound toll on the company’s finances. These clients are the linchpin of the company’s revenue streams, rendering their departure a grievous blow.

Multiple reasons may underpin their decision to depart, including the company’s inability to adapt to shifting customer expectations, the surge in competitive forces, or the repercussions of economic downturns. The attrition of these key clients signifies a waning appetite for the company’s offerings or the erosion of its business relationships. It is of paramount significance for investors to maintain unwavering vigilance and meticulously scrutinize any conspicuous losses in this sphere, as they may serve as potent harbingers of impending financial adversity on the horizon. For all these reasons, this is why it is our ninth financial stress test.

Financial stress test danger signal 10: Deteriorating stock performance

Our tenth financial stress test deals with public companies. One conspicuous red flag signalling a public company’s perilous journey of financial stress toward the brink of bankruptcy resides in the withering performance of its stocks. A consistent descent in the company’s stock values signifies a growing lack of investor faith in its fiscal vitality. The dwindling stock worth resonates as a resounding expression of apprehensions regarding the company’s capacity to yield profits and fulfill its financial commitments.

Investors maintain an eagle-eyed watch over stock performance as it crystallizes the company’s overarching steadiness and market sentiment. Hence, the vigilant tracking of a company’s stock performance, particularly for those in which one has invested, serves as a fount of invaluable insights into the financial strains at play and empowers judicious investment decisions.

A persistent depreciation in the company’s stock value embodies a potent indicator that investors harbour reservations about its fiscal well-being. This erosion of trust may emanate from worries concerning the company’s competence in revenue generation, financial obligation fulfillment, or operational perpetuation.

When investors bear witness to a protracted downturn in stock performance, they oftentimes construe it as a herald of impending fiscal turbulence or, in the direst of scenarios, bankruptcy. As potential investors grow increasingly reticent to pour capital into the company, they may grapple with impediments in securing essential financial resources.

Financial stress test: Conclusion

To protect your investments and make informed decisions, it’s extremely important for investors and owners to maintain a vigilant position and remain in harmony with the very early indications of financial stress and possible company insolvency. A detailed understanding and thorough surveillance of essential financial metrics and cautionary signs act as the barrier to safeguarding your investments.

An aggressive orientation and continual watchfulness in worrying about the financial health of your invested enterprises are essential for securing your financial future. Consequently, it’s imperative to maintain a watchful eye on variables such as declining income streams, placing financial obligation problems, feeble cash flows, and monitoring instability. Equipped by these perspicacious understandings, you will expertly browse the elaborate investment terrain and take on requisite procedures to secure your hard-earned wide range.

I hope you enjoyed this financial stress test Brandon’s Blog. If you or your company are struggling with managing overwhelming debt in this high-interest environment, don’t worry – there are some things you can do to take control of the situation.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test
Brandon Blog Post


Financial stress introduction

Financial stress and anxiety are an undeniable reality as well as a major source of anxiety for many people in Canada, as the expenses of a living surge, incomes stay stationary, and financial debt gathers. This scenario can result in anxiousness, nights invested tossing and turning, and also physical health conditions. However, it’s vital to keep in mind that your life doesn’t have to be dictated by economic stress and anxiety. By employing ideal techniques and adopting the ideal attitude, you can seize control of your funds and also alleviate the worry that accompanies them.

Within this Brandon’s Blog, I offer the recent findings of the FP Canada ™ 2023 Financial Stress Index, along with techniques for managing and surmounting financial stress. You’ll run into functional guidelines and also expert support that will certainly encourage you to take back command of your financial resources and obtain tranquillity of mind. Whether you’re coming to grips with cash worries and financial difficulties or endeavouring to enhance your financial stability, this blog will certainly equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for triumph. Allow us to start an expert voyage to dominate economic anxiety and also stride toward a future of monetary safety and security.

Definition of financial stress

Financial stress is the psychological and emotional concern experienced by people or families as a result of their financial situations. It arises from money worries when there is an inconsistency between a person’s funds and their financial obligations or ambitions, giving rise to feelings of nervousness, concern, as well as unpredictability concerning money matters.

The origins of financial stress can be credited to different factors, including considerable levels of financial debt, limited earnings, joblessness or underemployment, unexpected costs, medical bills, not enough financial savings, or the failure to fulfill financial objectives. It can impact individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their income level or socioeconomic stress

Financial stress and illnesses

In February 2022, I wrote the blog “WHAT PERCENTAGE OF ILLNESSES ARE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CAUSED BY FINANCIAL STRESS? FINANCIAL STRESS IS THE MOST COMMON OF ALL TRIGGERS”. In that Brandon’s Blog, I delved into the significant impact that financial strain and money worries can have on the onset and progression of various health issues, ranging from common tension headaches to more severe conditions such as cancer.

The symptoms of monetary anxiety can materialize in different methods, consisting of:

  • Consistent worrying about money matters, such as expenses, loans, or future financial stability.
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeplessness as a result of money issues.
  • Feeling overloaded or powerless regarding one’s financial scenario.
  • Strained connections, disputes, or stress with family members or friends because of financial problems.
  • Avoiding or ignoring financial problems, which can lead to further issues.
  • Physical symptoms and signs like headaches, tiredness, high blood pressure or stomachaches because of financial stress and anxiety.
  • Increasing degrees of chronic stress, anxiety, clinical depression, or various other mental health challenges
  • and other wellness problems.
  • Difficulty focusing or reduced performance at work due to financial concerns.

The serious impact of financial stress can significantly disrupt an individual’s holistic well-being. It has the potential to influence one’s mental and physical health, interpersonal connections, occupational performance, and the overall essence of life. Moreover, it may initiate a recurring pattern of economic hardships, as anxiety can impair the capacity to make sound decisions and prevent efficient financial strategizing.

To effectively handle the burden of financial stress, it is crucial to devise and execute well-rounded approaches. These approaches could encompass devising a budget for your household, trimming unnecessary expenditures, exploring diverse income sources, seeking advice from financial professionals, and diligently building a financial cushion through consistent savings. Moreover, giving utmost priority to self-care is immensely significant. This may entail reaching out to reliable confidants for support and adopting stress-reducing methods that target the psychological impact of enduring financial difficulties as time goes by.

Without a doubt, the undeniable impact of financial stress affects many people and their families. However, by acknowledging that you are not the only one and actively taking steps to reduce its perilous consequences, one can emerge victorious and steer toward a path of enhanced financial well-being.

The FP Canada™ 2023 Financial Stress Index results

On June 15, 2023, FP Canada™ published its 2023 Financial Stress Index. The purpose is to gain insights into the factors that cause Canadians’ financial stress and how professionals can help Canadians overcome the stress brought on by their financial issues and improve their quality of life through better financial literacy and sound money management principles.

The latest Financial Stress Index findings show that inflation’s impact on the costs of goods and services, and elevated gas and grocery prices specifically, are out of all possible sources of stress, the one that is contributing the most to Canadians’ financial stress. As Canadians struggle to afford groceries, gas and other goods and services, nearly half (48%) have less disposable income compared to a year ago, a substantial increase from 2022 (39%).

Further, Canadians say they are struggling to save money. Saving enough for retirement (35%) and saving for a major purchase (32%) are two areas of growing concern. Younger generations are also more likely to feel the pinch, and Canadians aged 18-34 are the most concerned about saving for major purchases (50%).financial stress

Importance of financial wellness

Nowadays, the importance of money administration and financial wellness has never been more pivotal. With the perpetually escalating cost of existence and the unpredictability of the fiscal panorama, it has become crucial that we embrace responsibility for our finances and guarantee our economic steadiness. Financial well-being is a fundamental facet of overall welfare and is the key to a satisfied and pressure-free existence. This requires making knowledgeable and perceptive fiscal judgments, establishing realistic financial aspirations, and devising a budget that is customized to your necessities.

Obtaining and also maintaining a state of financial security includes more than simply generating wealth. It demands a thorough approach to money administration that involves thoroughly inspecting your financial situation, developing a detailed approach, and actively pursuing properly stated goals. This method additionally entails supporting sensible financial practices that cultivate security and lead you on the path toward withstanding and also lasting success over time.

How to Overcome Financial Stress

What is the cause of your financial stress?

In the middle of the current world of rapidity and dynamism, financial stress has gained extensive acknowledgment as a pressing concern affecting many individuals. Whether you are overcome with seemingly insurmountable financial debts, just barely surviving paycheque-to-paycheque, or constantly plagued by anxiety over financial issues, such stress factors cause significant damage to your well-being.

To effectively navigate the complexities of financial stress, it is imperative to embark upon the initial stage of discerning the underlying origins of this stress. It may arise from excessive expenditure exceeding one’s earnings, inadequate income to meet fundamental necessities, uncertainties surrounding employment, insufficient savings, the volatility of markets, or unexpected expenditures.

Establishing a robust financial foundation necessitates undertaking pragmatic endeavours, such as delineating precise financial objectives, formulating a budgetary framework, and fostering constructive monetary practices. Identifying the fundamental catalysts of your financial burdens holds the key to implementing attainable strategies that can pave the way toward a more financially stable future and, ultimately, instill a sense of tranquillity.

Create a budget and stick to it

Managing your finances on a tight budget can prove to be quite a challenge, and it often leads to feelings of stress and strain. Financial stress has the potential to cause a range of negative consequences, including strains in relationships, issues with both physical and mental health issues, and even a decline in productivity at work.

To steer clear of these problems, the best approach is to develop a budget and adhere to it diligently. A budget serves as a financial roadmap, outlining the amount of money you have coming in and the amount you have going out. It’s a powerful tool that aids in the management of your finances, enabling you to prioritize your spending and save for the future.

If you find yourself grappling with financial difficulties, barely making ends meet from one paycheque to another, or simply aspiring to enhance your financial fitness, a financial budget is an invaluable asset. Essentially, a budget acts as a comprehensive blueprint for your finances, mapping out your earnings and expenditures while imposing certain constraints on your spending across different categories.

By establishing a budget, you can gain a clear understanding of your financial situation and identify areas where you can cut back and save money. Adhering to your budget helps you steer clear of overspending and accumulating debt, ultimately relieving financial stress and enhancing your overall financial well-being.

Creating a budget lays the foundation for financial stability and represents a crucial step toward overcoming financial stress. With a budget in place, it becomes easier to devise a plan for repaying debts and setting realistic long-term financial goals. However, bear in mind that crafting a budget is merely the initial stride. Sticking to it demands discipline and regular review to ensure you stay on course. A seasoned financial advisor can offer tailored advice and an effective strategy to help you remain on budget and achieve financial success.

Prioritize debt repayment

Establishing a well-thought-out technique for dealing with financial debt payments can be highly effective in handling and getting over financial stress. It is critical to focus on debts with higher rates of interest first to fully pay them off first. By adopting this technique, the total interest problem is decreased, and the rate of getting rid of financial debt is increased.

Equally substantial is creating a monthly payments strategy that sets regular monthly targets vigilantly and stays with them with resolution. Furthermore, discovering options such as debt consolidation loans, negotiating with creditors, or getting help from an accredited non-profit credit counselling agency in your local community all need to be considered.

Constantly applying these methods empowers individuals to regain control of their financial situation and reduce and ultimately wipe away money stress.

Build an emergency fund

Determining the optimal level for your savings in case of emergencies is extremely important. As previously suggested by Brandon’s Blogs, it is advisable to possess a reserve amounting to three to six months’ worth of your family’s expenses. Precisely calculating your monthly expenditures at home plays a pivotal role in identifying the appropriate sum to allocate for unforeseen circumstances.

Taking the crucial step of opening a separate account that accrues interest solely dedicated to your emergency savings is highly recommended. It is imperative to refrain from withdrawing from this account unless it becomes necessary. By doing so, you enhance your capability to handle any unexpected costs that may arise. It is of utmost significance to perceive this account as a safety net of last resort rather than utilizing it as a regular source of funds.

Incorporating the practice of automatic payments constitutes another effective technique. You have the option to establish regular transfers from your primary account to the interest-earning fund of your emergency savings. This ensures that you consistently contribute to your emergency fund without the requirement of constant monitoring. It is a reliable approach to steadily building up your financial safety net.

Seek professional advice

When it comes to managing and overcoming financial stress, seeking professional financial advice can make all the difference. A trained financial professional can help you assess your financial situation, determine your exact level of financial difficulty, identify areas where you can make improvements, and develop a plan that will help you achieve your goals, achieve good financial health and live a more financially stable life.

Whether you’re dealing with debt, struggling to make ends meet, or simply want to take your finances to the next level, a financial advisor can offer the guidance and support you need to succeed. So don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed – they’re there to stress

Financial stress: Common traps to avoid

Payday loans

Payday loans may appear to be a convenient option when faced with unexpected expenses or financial emergencies. However, it’s essential to recognize that these short-term loans often carry exorbitant interest rates and fees, which can trap borrowers in a cycle of debt. Before entering into any agreement, it is crucial to fully understand the terms and conditions associated with payday loans.

In reality, payday loans can have detrimental effects on your financial well-being. Instead, exploring alternative forms of financial assistance, such as low-interest credit cards or personal loans, might be a wiser choice. These options typically offer more favourable terms and can help you manage your financial situation without falling into a debt spiral.

To safeguard your financial health in the long run, it is advisable to establish a budget and build an emergency savings fund. By carefully managing your expenses and setting aside funds for unexpected circumstances, you can reduce the need for relying on payday loans in the future. Creating a financial safety net through savings provides greater stability and flexibility during challenging times.

Remember, the allure of quick cash from payday loans can be enticing, but the potential drawbacks and long-term consequences outweigh the short-term benefits. Prioritizing financial responsibility and exploring alternative avenues for assistance will contribute to your overall financial well-being and help you avoid the pitfalls associated with payday loans.

Credit card debt

Financial stress in Canada is a common issue, with credit card debt being a significant contributor. Many people are drawn to the convenience and rewards offered by credit cards, leading to overspending and a high accumulation of debt with steep interest rates. It is crucial to carefully plan and prioritize payments to avoid falling into the trap of owing money to credit card companies. Understanding the complex terms and conditions surrounding credit cards, such as payment deadlines and interest rates, can help individuals make informed financial decisions.

In addition, seeking guidance from a reputable financial advisor or community-based non-profit credit counselling services can provide valuable support and direction in managing credit card debt. By adopting effective strategies and practicing responsible fiscal habits, anyone has the potential to overcome credit card debt and achieve a state of financial stability and peace of mind.

Impulse spending

Impulse buying can quickly become a major contributor to financial stress. We’ve all experienced the temptation to purchase something we don’t need on a whim, only to regret it later when our finances suffer.

It’s important to recognize the role that emotions can play in our spending habits and to practice mindfulness when making purchasing decisions. By creating a budget, prioritizing our needs over our wants, and taking time to consider our purchases, we can avoid falling victim to impulse buying.

With discipline and self-control, we can regain control of our finances, reduce our stress levels, and achieve our financial goals.

Lack of financial education or financial literacy

One common trap that individuals fall into when it comes to financial stress is the lack of financial education. Many individuals simply do not have the knowledge or skills necessary to effectively manage their finances. An absence of proper financial education can lead to poor decisions when it comes to budgeting, saving, and investing, which can further contribute to financial stress.

It is crucial to seek out resources and education in this area to develop a strong foundation of financial literacy. By arming oneself with knowledge and skills, individuals can strengthen their financial position and alleviate the stress associated with concerns about money management.

Financial stress: The benefits of being financially prepared

Peace of mind

Being financially prepared generates a myriad of benefits, with the most remarkable among them being the extensive feeling of tranquillity that comes with the guarantee of your financial affairs being well-ordered. By taking charge of your financial situation, mastering the art of expense management, as well as having a detailed understanding of your financial objectives and the methods to attain them, you can escape the stress caused by unanticipated expenditures and the perpetual cycle of living from one paycheque to one more.

By using efficient methods and a diverse range of tools, people can create a durable framework for their fiscal future, thus instilling a feeling of steadfast security and fortified safety and security while doing so. Eventually, the reward of the peacefulness of the mind that accompanies financial readiness, enables people to relish life without the perpetual problem of financial worries.

Increased ability to handle emergencies

Being financially prepared means having the ability to handle unexpected emergencies without causing undue stress and anxiety. It’s important to establish an emergency fund as part of your financial plan. This fund should be easily accessible and able to cover at least three to six months of living expenses.

In the event of an emergency such as job loss or a medical issue, having an emergency fund can provide peace of mind and reduce financial stress. By prioritizing financial preparedness, you can feel confident in your ability to handle unexpected expenses and maintain your financial stability.

Improved credit score

You have the power to attain financial stability, and it all begins by constructing an extraordinary credit rating. A remarkable rating unlocks opportunities for loan and credit card approvals, favourable interest rates, and access to outstanding financial products.

Through the cultivation of astute financial practices and the alleviation of monetary burdens, you can propel your credit score to new heights. Keep a vigilant eye on your financial obligations, employ prudent credit card usage, and handle your credit responsibilities with diligence.

The ability to assume command over your financial circumstances resides deep within you. A robust credit score paves the path toward a brilliant and prosperous future. Place your trust in your capabilities, and take decisive action to accomplish financial triumph. The possibilities before you are limitless.

Financial stress: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this financial stress Brandon’s Blog. Financial stress is a growing concern in Canada, affecting individuals of all ages and income levels.

Creating a solid financial plan can be the key to unlocking a brighter and more successful future. By taking control of your finances, you can prioritize your expenses, set clear financial goals, and build a strong foundation for your dreams to come true. With the right mindset and approach, financial planning can empower you to regain control, eliminate this issue as a source of stress in your life and find peace of mind.

Individuals must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting stress

Brandon Blog Post


Definition of financial stress

Are you feeling weighed down by money worries? Is your quality of life disintegrating before your very eyes? You’re not alone. Financial stress is a common problem that affects many people. It’s defined as a feeling of unease or worry caused by the lack of financial resources or the belief that you don’t have enough money. It can be caused by both happy and troubling events. Whether it’s an unexpected expense, a lost job, a major purchase such as a home or just the everyday stress of trying to make ends meet, it can take a toll on your well-being.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I will discuss financial stress and how a person can take control of it. I will give actionable tips to relieve stress and improve your financial well-being. Don’t let money worries overwhelm you – take the steps needed to reduce your financial stress.

Understanding the causes of financial stress

Do you know someone dealing with financial stress? You’re not the only one! Money stress from financial concerns can be a major source of stress. The most common causes of financial stress are:

  • trying to cover all your expenses;
  • feeling overwhelmed by debt;
  • having no savings;
  • housing insecurity;
  • unexpected costs;we
  • living pay cheque to pay cheque; and
  • an ever-growing debt load.

It can feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle. But don’t worry – there’s always a way to get back on track! Taking the right steps can make a huge difference.

financial stress

Financial stress and its impacts

Consequences of financial stress on your physical and mental well-being

The burden of financial stress can take a serious toll on your well-being emotionally and physically. Those dealing with money worries are twice as likely to suffer from poor health and four times as likely to experience sleeping troubles, aches, withdrawal from social life and social integration and more. Furthermore, financial stress can cause depression and anxiety symptoms and can be a major contributor to heart issues. Not to mention, it can also cause fractures in relationships and make it increasingly difficult to stay on top of finances and other obligations.F

How it can affect your work

Financial pressures can take a toll on any individual, and that strain can seep into their work lives. Struggling to make ends meet can result in a drop in job performance, more days off, or worse – a potential job loss. Additionally, it can bring about emotional and physical health issues, reducing productivity and contentment with their work. In addition, it can generate a decrease in morale, job satisfaction and a greater sense of unease.

Financial tensions leading to emotional tension can significantly negatively affect an employee’s job performance. It is essential that employers are aware of the impact this can have on their staff, offering resources to manage their financial situation, and minimize the effect of financial stress in the workplace.

The outcomes of financial stress on human wellbeing

Financial challenges leading to financial stress can be a soul-sucking burden on physical and personal health and cause mental health issues, manifesting in everything from physical symptoms, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease and depression to strained relationships and unhealthy sleep and eating patterns. It’s an environment of negativity that can be hard to escape. But there’s hope! Acknowledge the stress and make a plan to overcome it. Start by budgeting, tracking spending, setting up an emergency fund, and if possible, looking for ways to increase income. Life can be so much brighter when you take control of your finances.

Prevalence of Financial Stress

Financial stress is a growing problem in North America, with millions struggling with financial issues to make ends meet and cover essential expenses. The burden of financial stress is even larger when considering its ripple effect on families, relationships, and overall well-being, not just your financial health.

As already stated above, it is well documented in studies that financial stress can negatively impact mental health and lead to physical health problems. Financial stress is pervasive across all socihealtho-economic levels and particularly burdens minority and low-income populations.

Financial stress can be a significant issue for everyone regardless of their financial standing, educational background, or occupation. Financial stress will most certainly lead to greater financial dilemmas if not managed properly.

Many people don’t realize that anyone can experience financial stress at any point in their lives. It is not something that only affects those who have little to no money or cannot balance a chequebook. Everyone should understand that financial stress can upspring from unexpected costs, inadequate savings, poor budgeting strategies, or job loss. Financial stress does not discriminate amongst people who may find themselves in a difficult financial situation due to illness, divorce, or other unplanned circumstances. It is not your fault.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the above-noted signs and symptoms of financial stress and understand how to manage it.

financial stress

Coping strategies for financial stress

Knowing Your Money

It’s time to take charge of your finances! Having a grip on your money and a comprehensive understanding of what’s going in and out of your accounts every month is vital for making savvy financial choices. Crafting a budget to stay on top of your source of income is a great way to use your funds in the most effective way possible. Additionally, it’s a smart move to look into ways to reduce your monthly financial expenses to ensure you have a financial buffer for those unexpected expenditures and can build up your savings.

Taking stock of your finances

Assessing your financial situation is an essential step to gaining control of your finances and improving your financial well-being. To do this, you should create an itemized list or record of your financial resources and debts, specifying the interest rate and outstanding balance.

Having this knowledge can give you a better understanding of your finances and enable you to make more informed decisions. Taking the time to reflect on your financial circumstances can be the first step toward financial stability.

Talking to someone

Financial stress can be overwhelming and it is not something that should be borne alone. Seeking out support from trusted sources can make a world of difference in managing stress and making progress toward finding a resolution. Engaging in dialogue with another person can be beneficial when addressing financial anxiety.

Whether it is a family member, friend, or support group, the act of just talking to someone can help lessen the burden of financial stress. It can be intimidating to open up about financial worries, but talking to someone can be an important source of support and guidance.

Overcoming financial stress by engaging in self-care

This third strategy of self-care as a means of dealing with financial stress deserves its own section. Common methods of self-care which deal mainly with both the physical and the mental stress aspects are:


Physical activity is a great way to de-stress and look after your well-being! High-intensity exercises like running, elliptical, and cycling are known to lessen overall stress levels, regulate your mood, enhance your sleeping pattern, and bolster your self-confidence. Even just a short five minutes of cardio can have a calming effect on your stress levels.


It’s vital to maintain a wholesome diet to keep your well-being in check, and it can even help reduce worry. Nosh on nourishing meals, drink plenty of fluids and dodge caffeine and sugar to elevate your spirits, energy, and focus – all of which can assist you in tackling financial stress.

Relaxation Techniques

Using relaxation methods like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga can be a great way to combat stress and promote mental health. Implementing just a few minutes of relaxation practices daily can help you better tackle financial stressors and improve your overall health and well-being.

Time for yourself

Finding time for yourself can be a vital part of managing financial stress. Taking a break from your daily responsibilities can help to restore and rejuvenate your mental and emotional energy.

Consider activities such as reading, taking a stroll, or napping as a means of giving yourself a much-needed break. Rest and relaxation can be important parts of maintaining your financial wellness.

financial stress

Seeking professional mental health Help

It is recommended to seek professional help for mental health issues as mental health professionals can provide guidance in overcoming challenges, changing negative behaviours, understanding and healing from past trauma, setting goals and building self-confidence, all with the aim of improving your quality of life. There are many resources and services available to those seeking help for themselves, friends or family members. In the case of suicidal symptoms, professional help is essential and should be sought immediately.

Final Thoughts on Financial Stress

I hope you enjoyed this financial stress Brandon’s Blog. I hope that it has helped you to discover the impact that financial stress can have on a person’s mental and physical health and has provided some tips on how to prevent and overcome the negative effects of stress.


Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

financial stress

Brandon Blog Post


what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Financial stress and its impacts

Canadians are more stressed by money (38%) than by their personal health (25%), work (21%), and relationships (16%). The biggest source of chronic stress for a majority of Canadians is stress about money, according to a recent study. This study, and others, do not quantify what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress. However, as you will read below about the financial stress research, financial stress statistics shows that it is the number one cause of stress in the lives of many Canadians.

Money, health, relationships, and work are deeply intertwined; stress in any one of them can exacerbate issues in others. These facts have led me to wonder what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress?

Financial stress is a huge issue for a lot of people. There are a lot of people who are financially stressed, and it has a serious effect on their lives. It causes them to make poor decisions, not be able to invest in their future, and many other problems. The finance industry is a very fast-paced industry, and people always want to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. That is why financial stress is so large in today’s society.

Stress related to money is one of the leading causes of health issues, both physical and mental including anxiety disorders and mood disorder (and has been for a very long time). You can experience very harmful changes to your immune system and digestive system when you are stressed out. Stress releases cortisol, a hormone that is released when we are under stress. The stress hormone cortisol suppresses the immune system and makes it easier for diseases like cancer to spread. Furthermore, study results have shown that when a person is under financial stress, the body releases stress hormones which can be just as harmful to your health as the financial stress itself.

People today are seeking to protect themselves from the dangers posed by financial uncertainty and to avoid the risks they face as a result. Financial stress has been on the rise for decades. This has a direct correlation with the rise in financial stress-related illnesses. As financial stress increases, the strain on mental and physical health increases as well. This ultimately leads to financial stress-related illnesses.

Financial stress is the commonest of all triggers. But, what exactly is financial stress? This Brandon Blog will explore the role financial stress plays in the development of many health problems, from tension headaches to cancer. We will try to answer the following question: what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress?

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Impact of financial stress on your physical and mental health and mental disorders

What is financial stress and what causes financial stress? In general, stress is defined as a process in which environmental demands strain an organism’s adaptive capacity, resulting in both psychological demands as well as the occurrence of illnesses. There are three kinds of stress; environmental stress, psychological stress, and biological stress.

Several factors influence susceptibility to stress, including genetic vulnerability, coping style, personality type, and social support. Stress increases catecholamine levels and suppressor T cells, which suppress the immune system.

Research has shown that short-term stress boosts the immune system, but chronic stress can have a significant effect on the immune system that manifests itself as illness. Chronic stress can also cause plaque buildup in the arteries (atherosclerosis), particularly when combined with a high-fat diet and sedentary lifestyle.

The strongest link between stress and psychiatric illness is found between neuroses, depression, and schizophrenia. Researchers have also discovered a link between stress, tumour development, and suppression of natural killer (NK) cells, which help prevent metastasis and destroy small metastases.

Both external and internal factors are involved in asthma; however, psychological stressors have the greatest acute effect on the internal factor.

Money-related stress may cause anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, fatigue, and even the common cold. This is true. Often, we underestimate how much stress money, or the lack of it, can cause.

Examples of physical and mental disorders caused by signs of financial stress include:

  • poor general physical health twice as often as those who are not under financial stress;
  • there is a fourfold increase in sleep problems, headaches, and other illnesses;
  • interpersonal relationships are more likely to be strained; and
  • other health problems include obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

    what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
    what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Impact of financial stress on your work

You may experience a significant amount of physical and mental health stress if you are under a lot of financial stress in life. Your mental health can also be affected, as can your work. As an example, if you are stressed out about money, you will be less productive and perform poorly at work.

In almost half of the cases studied, stress related to personal finances affected a person’s work performance. It is normal to feel stressed to some extent, but prolonged exposure to high levels of stress has been associated with mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. A lack of workplace engagement and distraction are also common symptoms of chronic financial stress.

Over 500,000 Canadians miss work each week, and 30% of disability claims and 70% of disability costs are attributed to mental illness. And those are just the reported impacts.

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Financial stress & mental health & physical health

A well-documented fact is that poor financial health causing acute stress can negatively affect mental health and contribute to depression and other mood disorders. According to an article published in the journal Social Science & Medicine in August 2013, being economically insecure physically hurts. Migraines, cardiovascular disease, insomnia, and absences from work have been linked to financial stress. The findings show that having healthy finances can directly benefit your physical and mental health. Financial stress not only affects a person’s ability to function and avoid negative habits, but it also affects his or her ability to think clearly.

Financial stress can be a real problem, especially when it’s linked to mental illness, stress, and anxiety. When we’re feeling depressed, anxious, stressed out or in a panic, we’re more likely to eat badly and skip our appointments. That’s because worrying about money takes up a lot of our time and energy. And when we’re stressed out, we tend to eat more junk foods and less nutritious foods.

what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: The uncertainty of COVID

The Financial Stress Survey was conducted in May 2020 by Leger for FP Canada and shows that roughly the same number of Canadians still struggle with poor financial health, stress, and job instability despite the COVID-19 pandemic having added economic strain. Despite the financial stress, personal health concerns are becoming more important to Canadians. Finances are the biggest stressor, but personal health is becoming ever more important.

Despite the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought the unemployment rate to an all-time high, the same number of Canadians (49%) are worried about bills and job instability. Four in ten Canadians believe that paying down or off debt would reduce financial stress, and another 36 percent believe that saving more would ease financial difficulties. Furthermore, 25 percent cite personal health as what stresses them out the most, compared to 22 percent and 19 percent in 2018 ( financial planning standards council, “omni report: financial stress,” 2018) and 2014, respectively.

Financial stress is significantly more common among younger Canadians (35 vs. 35+) and those without a financial planner (vs. those who use a financial planner). Those who believe the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their financial stress are twice as likely to name money as the main stressor in their lives.

According to the survey, 19.5% of Canadians suffered from moderate-to-severe anxiety, 26.6% have consumed alcohol binge-style, and 21% feel lonely. These feelings lead to unresolved chronic stress. In unresolved chronic stress, the body’s immune system is suppressed, resulting in illness. If regular stress persists and the body is unable to cope, it is likely to lead to a breakdown in its infrastructure.

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Financial planning is linked to lower stress

Using the same FP Canada study, we can try to figure out how to reduce financial stress. Knowledge coupled with action seems to be the best defense against financial stress. Researchers found that:

  • Almost 80% of those surveyed and reported lower financial stress have taken some steps to reduce their financial stress. Those under age 35 and those experiencing financial stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic are significantly more likely to have done so. 35% of respondents track their expenses, 34% paid down debt, and 32% increased their savings. A greater percentage of people who have used the services of a financial professional (vs. those who did not) say they have built an emergency fund, gotten professional advice, and built a financial plan.
  • In addition, almost 80% of the FP Canada survey participants who believed debt repayment, saving, and budgeting would reduce financial stress actually took action. Yet only 21% of respondents have taken steps to build an emergency fund, although 32% think that having one can reduce financial strain. Despite the fact that only 19% of people believed this could help them, 35% of them actually did it to reduce their financial stress.

These simple steps are ones that I have been advocating for anyone experiencing money worries and financial stress, pandemic, or no pandemic. Understanding where you are at is the first step in building a proper financial plan to get to where you want to be.

It is the same if you recognize that you have too much debt and no amount of cost-cutting, budgeting, or saving will get rid of it. A professional who specializes in assisting people and companies in safely eliminating their debt can be of great help to you. Insolvency trustees are such professionals.

what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Money remains the number one cause of stress

Money remains the number one cause of stressful situations. Chronic ongoing stress can cause a high percentage of illnesses either directly or indirectly.

I hope you found this what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you or your company to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are your credit cards maxed out? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out easy-to-understand debt solutions and realistic ones for your family debt problems? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
Brandon Blog Post


financial wellness
financial wellness

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to this Brandon Blog’s audio version, please scroll to the very bottom of this page and click play on the podcast.

What Is Financial Wellness?

Financial wellness is the state of being free from financial stress or worry. By managing your financial health you can avoid the feelings of anxiety and despair that come from worrying about money. When you are financially well you have the ability to focus your energy on the things that really matter to you.

The phrase is everywhere these days. It’s a buzzword that’s getting a lot of attention. But what does it actually mean? When you boil it down, financial wellness is simply about being responsible with money. It’s about paying attention to how you spend, saving for the future, and making sure you can take care of yourself and your family.

Why is financial wellness important?

Financial wellness is important because it’s the first step to planning and achieving your goals. If you don’t know where your money goes, how can you ever be sure that there is enough for the things you want and need? Your ability to pay bills and avoid debt can determine whether or not you have a good credit score, and whether or not you can apply for a mortgage or a loan for a house or a car. This creates unnecessary financial stress.

In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the aspects of financial wellness and what it means for your overall enjoyment of life.

This blog is an expansion of a recent blog titled: “Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Your Money” I wrote for our national association that we are a member of, the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals.

Financial wellness & stigma

It’s difficult to remember a time when the word “debt” didn’t have a negative connotation. Whether you’re talking about consumer debt, medical debt, or debt related to other services, the ominous word is never far from its less than attractive cousins “recession” and “bankruptcy“.

Yet even in the midst of a pandemic, in September 2020, credit reporting firm Equifax Canada stated increasing mortgage balances pressed average financial debt per Canadian consumer up to $73,532. This is up 2.2% from the prior year and despite the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Financial health can be part of an overall health wellness program which will certainly aid in decreasing any kind of stigma. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada stated that “mental, physical and financial wellness are three pillars of good health”. They say this with great certainty as almost fifty percent of Canadians have financial tension in their lives. Virtually as many, according to a 2018 survey carried out by the Canadian Payroll Association, would certainly have economic pressure and financial shock if a paycheque came late.

financial wellness
financial wellness

Financial wellness & productivity

The number one reason people will credit with helping them make and save money and make proper financial decisions is their parents. So why not make the home for your entire family the number one place to learn about money and manage it? Look for personal finance articles, books and courses that can teach you everything from general money management to specific techniques for saving money on groceries to investing. This is also known as improving your financial literacy.

Also, look for advice on your overall well-being so you can have a healthy relationship with money and your family that will last all of you a lifetime. Overall good health, taking the stressors out of your life as much as possible and financial well-being will lead to increased productivity and overall enjoyment of life.

The principles of physical health are well promoted through health institutions. It consists of a well-balanced diet regimen, exercise, and healthy life selections. The importance of psychological well-being in the form of self-care and mindfulness is obtaining awareness through networks beyond medical care specialists. Its value has been highlighted a lot more throughout the pandemic.

In my experience as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (“Trustee”), the principles of financial well-being and financial wellness still challenge Canadians. I never see it included as a component of overall health in discussions over awareness of physical and mental health wellness. Perhaps because in our consumption-driven world, saving cash through excellent money management abilities isn’t as “awesome” a subject to brag about or to become a social media influencer in!

Nonetheless, establishing monetary objectives and achieving them is extremely rewarding. Self-control today will certainly pay dividends in the future. So just how do we get there to a nirvana state of financial well-being? The same way as we do with a physical health and wellness goal – with self-control and good habits, forming new behaviours.

I recommend that as a first step, draw up a checklist of financial planning objectives and a timeline. Take stock of your financial obligations, rates of interest you are paying, monthly payment amounts and days of the month that payments are due. Understand your assets, liabilities, income and all of your expenses.

Goals: Financial wellness programs need realistic goals

The biggest mistake people make when trying to establish financial wellness is setting financial goals they have no realistic chance of achieving. This is not an achievable goal if it is too high, or too grand. If necessary, break a larger objective into smaller-sized objectives that can be attained in a reasonable period of time to stay clear of discouragement. If you set out to lose 100 pounds, you might be scared off because of how much time that would certainly take. Going for a few pounds a week or month would certainly help keep you motivated.

If all you do is have the idea of being debt-free or have $100,000 in your bank account, that goal is probably unattainable. There is no roadmap of steps to take to get there and there is no timeline attached to such a goal. However, aiming to pay all your monthly bills on time, conserving 5% of every paycheque to have some emergency funds on hand or paying off your highest interest rate financial debts at the rate of $50 a week is reasonable and measurable.

Financial wellness: Nutrition

Barring any serious medical concerns, conventional weight loss wisdom focuses on calories. If you burn more calories than you ingest, you will certainly slim down. Budgeting takes the same approach. As long as your monthly spending is less than your monthly income, you will achieve your financial well-being monthly goals. In tracking your monthly spending you need to look at all the ways you spend in any month: cash, cheque, debit card and credit cards.

Don’t make the mistake that many people do in forgetting that the only amount you have to spend is your net monthly income, net of the income tax you need to pay to the Canada Revenue Agency. You need to look at your last year’s income tax return to see the total amount of income tax you paid, not just the amount deducted at source. If you received a refund, then you should not have to save extra to pay that income tax bill in April. If you had to pay more than what was deducted at source, you better plan to save that amount of money during the year so you will have it the following April.

Analyze every expenditure and determine just how well it aligns with your financial health goals for a better financial life. What is more important? The expenditure or the sensation of financial wellness that will be accomplished if you had that much more cash to put in the direction of paying down debt, building up an emergency savings fund or starting or adding to a retirement savings plan.

financial wellness

Financial wellness: Exercising

Running on a treadmill is excellent for your physical health and wellness. Yet unless that treadmill is powering your home, when it comes to your financial well-being you will require a different type of exercise. That is an exercise in discipline. Understanding just how a “need” is different from a “want”.

After covering the requirements of life, you need to focus on what spending will certainly get you closer to attaining your goals, and which do the opposite. I am not recommending that you lead a reclusive life yet search for financial savings and effectiveness to get you closer to the financial well-being you are striving for. Is there a less costly cafe? Can I get that same fashion look for much less? Don’t deny yourself, but at the same time do not overreach.

My grandfather’s depression-era wisdom is still appropriate today: if you pinch pennies hard, you will get nickels.

Financial wellness in the workplace

Most people have financial stress in their lives, whether they realize it or not. For some, the stress may be simply a question of meeting their bills. For others, it may be more complex such as how to:

  • reduce the stress of dealing with creditors;
  • set up a savings account to handle an unexpected financial blow; or
  • achieve financial security.

Regardless of the type of financial stress people face, a financial wellness program can help them find solutions and create a plan to reduce their stress over money. Employees that have their stress reduced will be more productive. So it is in the employer’s best interests to institute a financial wellness program in the workplace.

It all starts with a financial wellness assessment

The idea of a financial wellness assessment might seem a bit like financial group therapy. A professional looks at your situation, from your income to your debts, and asks questions about your financial goals. It can be stressful to open up about your financial situation, but it’s an important step toward taking control of your money. It’s also an opportunity to learn about products and services that may help you achieve your financial goals.

The result of the financial wellness survey will be written up in a financial wellness report. A financial wellness report is a tool that helps you identify the state of your finances, your level of financial distress and the main source of stress. It is a tool that you can use, which provides you with objective information about your financial situation and what steps you can take to improve it.

financial wellness
financial wellness

Measure the success of your financial wellness program

If you’re a company concerned about the financial wellness of your employees, don’t just rely on gut feeling to measure your program’s effectiveness. Instead, use a quantitative approach to measuring the success of your financial wellness program, as this will help you better understand where your employees are at financially and what works and what doesn’t in your program.

If you’re seeking a successful financial wellness program, you need to assess yours. You may feel as if your program is successful, but have you measured it to be sure? Any employee financial wellness program aims to improve each employee’s financial position and to reduce the amount of financial stress in their lives. The best way to measure your financial wellness program’s success would be to measure how your employees have advanced in achieving their financial goals established in the financial wellness assessment.

After an appropriate length of time, depending on each unique set of goals, another financial wellness assessment should be conducted and the results of the newer one compared to the prior one. What an employee has achieved and how they feel about it is an extremely important measure. New goals can be set, old goals can continue to be worked on or recalibrated. All this is intending to keep your employees on track to achieve their financial goals, improve the level of financial wellness peers experience and reduce the stress in their lives.

Financial wellness guide information for employees

This listing is not meant to be exhaustive. Some of the things that your employees might need to learn about in financial wellness workshops to improve their every day finances might be how to:

  • Track your finances
  • best manage assets, liabilities, income and expenses
  • Improve your relationship with money
  • Create, track and adjust your personal budget
  • Money management skills
  • Have control over day to day spending
  • Set up and maintain positive money habits to reduce your money worries
  • Understand the key elements behind your spending habits and how to fix what needs fixing
  • Know how much life insurance you may need and how to choose the best for you from the different types of insurance
  • Maintain a good credit score
  • Fix your credit
  • Deal with Canada Revenue Agency and income taxes
  • Create goals for when you have extra money
  • Deal with unexpected expenses
  • Create the financial resources to meet your household’s needs

What are the financial consequences of debt?

I hope you enjoyed this financial wellness Brandon Blog post. Sometimes financial literacy and financial education have to take a back seat to fix an immediate financial problem. Education can come both as part of the solution as well as continuing after debt problems have been solved. Student debt, bad debt, Canada Revenue Agency income tax debt, other personal debt and corporate debt, credit card debt and an unmanageable debt load are all examples of financial problems we have solved for other individuals and entrepreneurs and their companies.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


how to make marrriage last foreverHow to Make Marriage Last Forever: Introduction

They say that love is more important than money. Have you ever tried paying your bills with a hug?

Nishan Panwar


How to Make Marriage Last Forever: Love or Money?

Love may be the reason you marry, but sadly it’s not enough to keep you married. I’m sorry to deflate your romantic bubble but, the answer to how to make marriage last forever is money, not love. Money will predict how successful your marriage will be and if it will last.

The No. 1 cause of stress in relationships is money, according to a survey by SunTrust Bank. Having financial arguments is the top predictor of divorce, a separate study by Kansas State University found.

How to Make Marriage Last Forever: The CIBC survey

Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning for CIBC, said in a report about a recent survey that financial disagreements are a strong predictor of divorce. This is particularly so among younger couples who are more prone to experience financial stress in their relationships.

The CIBC survey produced some surprising insights:

  • 66% of Canadian couples enter marriage or a common-law relationship in debt
  • 46% said their top financial goal within the first two years of living together was to save up for a vacation (considering that 66% of couples are in debt, this boggles the mind)
  • 33% of couples have had a serious joint discussion about finances before getting married or moving in together
  • 40% have only briefly discussed how to manage finances together as a couple

How to Make Marriage Last Forever: The Great Disconnect

There seems to be a great disconnect when it comes for couples to discuss their finances:

How to Make Marriage Last Forever: Are You A Couple With Too Much Debt?

If you’re a couple in debt, reducing debt should be your top priority. A heavy debt load can affect your life choices. A poor credit rating can negatively impact many things including your ability to buy/rent a house or apartment, lease/purchase a car.

Now is the time to have that serious conversation about your finances and contact a professional trustee on how to deal with your debts. The Ira Smith Team can help you free yourselves from debt and be able to realize your dreams for the future Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.3bestaward

Brandon Blog Post


budgetingX CreditX credit scoreX credit score chartX credit score rangeX credit scoresX DebtX Federal ReserveX financial healthX financial stressX money managementX starting over starting nowThe Federal Reserve uses the credit score chart for matchmaking?

Did you ever envision that your credit score chart would provide the key to successful matchmaking? From newspaper columnists to Dr. Phil, everyone is a relationship guru; but you may be surprised to learn that the Federal Reserve is also dispensing relationship advice.

Economists Jane Dokko, Geng Li and Jessica Hayes believe that the credit score range contained in a credit score chart has an important role to play in predicting the stability and potential longevity of a relationship. This is what they discovered:

  • People with credit scores at the higher end of the credit score chart are more likely to be in a committed relationship and stay together
  • People tend to form relationships with others who have a similar credit score as them
  • The strength of the match, both in the headline credit score and its details, is predictive of whether or not a couple are more likely to break up for observable reasons pertaining to finance and household spending
  • Credit scores are indicative of trustworthiness in general, and couples with a mismatch in credit scores are more likely to see their relationships end for reasons not directly related to their use of credit

Better budgeting and better ranking on the credit score chart leads to better relationships

Echoing these findings, in a recent survey by Ally Bank 55% of respondents said that a strong budgeting and saving strategy was the most appealing money-related quality a partner or potential partner could have. In addition, 75% of the respondents to this survey said it was moderately or highly important to find a partner with a similar approach to money and budgeting.

Get your rightful place on the credit score chart now

Financial stress and poor money management can ruin your relationship, but it doesn’t have to. Don’t be afraid of debt. Face it head on with the help of the Ira Smith Team. We can help you restore your life to financial health Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact us immediately so that we can create your personalized plan to get you your better place on the credit score chart. Give us a call today.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy. bankrupts, debt free, financial problems, financial stress, trustee, robin williams bankrupt, ed mcmahon, ed mcmahon bankrupt, robin williams, bankrupt, rich and famous, celebrity bankruptcies

Most of us look at the rich and famous and wish we could live their lives. We see multi-million dollar mansions, driveways full of Porches, Maseratis, Jaguars, and Bentleys, exotic vacations on magnificent yachts and private islands, and private planes. Who wouldn’t want to live that lifestyle? But, there is a deep, dark secret – many of these high flyers can’t sustain the income to fund these lifestyles and like many mere mortals, go bankrupt. Famous celebrity bankruptcies happen too. Here are some of the more rich and famous bankrupts:

Samuel Clemens – “Mark Twain”Michael Jackson
Abraham LincolnDorothy Hamill – Gold Medal Skater
Johnny Unitas – Football Hall of FameMilton Hershey – Founder Hershey’s
H.J. Heinz – Founder HeinzMarvin Gaye
Mick Fleetwood – Fleetwood MacWalt Disney
Larry KingBurt Reynolds
PT BarnumTom Petty
David CrosbyDionne Warwick
Ed McMahonHenry Ford
M.C. HammerLarry King
Toni BraxtonNatalie Cole
Robin Williams


  • 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce within two years of retirement.
  • The National Endowment for Financial Education says that 70% of all people who suddenly receive large amounts of money will lose it within a few years.

We believe that if someone earns a lot of money, that makes them wealthy; but that is far from the truth. If these high earners are spending as much as they make or more, they are on a path to disaster. Many people that you consider to be wealthy are living from month to month. The truth is that high earners and low earners alike can be irresponsible about money. Managing money wisely, living within your means, saving, and budgeting are the necessary elements to living a debt free life.

Bankruptcy is not a shame; it’s a fact of life and everyone can be touched and affected by it. It’s never too late to live a financially healthy life. If you’re experiencing serious financial problems, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver. We are here to help put you on a path to debt free living.

Call a Trustee Now!