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Kanye debt gofundme: Introduction

Kanye West is $53 million in debt and needs a Kanye debt gofundme. I am really not going to answer the question about why Kanye is $53 million in debt. We have previously written on related topics such as:

I have written this somewhat tongue in cheek article because some of the things I learn in dealing with people in debt as a licensed insolvency trustee, is that bizarre things sometime happen. I even found out that there is really a Kanye debt gofundme website. So here goes some of my ideas, which are no more bizarre than the Kanye debt gofundme site, or one of Kanye’s ideas described below.

Kanye debt gofundme: Kanye West Lemonade Stand

Perhaps some budding entrepreneur should raise money to get him out. They could do a grassroots fundraising and make a Kanye West lemonade stand. Being out there would show people how enthusiastic we are about this.

Entrepreneur: “Excuse me, do you have time to drink $53 million of lemonade for Kanye West? This is the greatest artist of our generation.”

Customer: “I don’t really care for Kanye.”

Entrepreneur: “You don’t like Kanye? Okay … Kanye is very misunderstood. When life gives you lemons, oblige Kanye West lemonade.”

So we got creative. She likes her Kanye debt gofundme lemonade.

I’ll just give. Yay! Thank you. It’s a perfect era for a cup of lemonade. Just cause its Kanye West, here’s another $0.25. Thank you so much better! We got money! We made about $2.

Kanye debt gofundme: Kanye West Tribute Track

Kanye West would tell us that he is the greatest artist of our time yet he is $53 million in debt. So we needed to seek other areas of income. We decided to record our own Kanye tribute track and sell it. We had recorded the ballad, we had to think “what would Kanye do? ” We just needed to get some people to sign up for it on a music streaming site. Hello can you spare a moment? Listen to our exclusive new Kanye West homage. All we need is your credit card!

Rihanna, Rihanna, Rihanna? Would you like to buy our Kanye tribute track? All you need is to sign up with your credit card. I’m so sorry this is not working. No, how could you say that? I think we made some sales.

Kanye debt gofundme: How Are We Doing So Far?

So we have raised funds to get Kanye West out of his debt through our Kanye debt gofundme income streams and we want to know how close we are to $53 million. We have our expenses itemized here and we now have our revenue figure so far – $106. Wholesome lemonade. Marvelous luxury lemonade. Possibly people would prefer a little sweeter.

We crunched some numbers and found out some hard news; Pretty much a $2,300 loss so far. So you see, we need to sell you some lemonade and our cool song track. Your mailing address and then your credit card details please.

Kanye debt gofundme: We Need To Hit Up Some Rich People

We had reached our breaking point. So we had to think “What would Kanye do?” Kanye West said that he wants Mark Zuckerberg to invest $1 billion in his ideas. Mark Zuckerberg, could you afford to lend my friend Kanye West 1 billion dollars? Actually, a billion and $2,300 would be perfect.

I haven’t heard back yet from Mark Zuckerberg? No. I can try some other famous people. Ed Sheeran? Kanye would never talk to Ed Sheeran. Okay. Kim Kardashian? Oh yes, utterly. “Hey, you love Kanye almost as much as Kanye loves Kanye.” Do you have $53 million you can give him?

I haven’t heard back from Kim, but she’s a busy woman. Rumour has it that she may have already helped out hubby by paying out that debt. Regardless, we had created one of the most influential lemonade stands of all time. Hopefully Kanye can move forward with all of his dreams.

Kanye debt gofundme: How Can You Deal With Too Much Debt?

I hope that you realize from this blog that only you can be the one to deal with your debt to get on top of it and gain back your life. If you don’t know how to go about reducing your debt, start by contacting Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. There are many ways to deal with debt. As experts we can help you make the best choice and set you on a path to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now. Make an appointment for a free, no obligation today.

kanye gofundme


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